Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Hello :)


Im so excited about my comics project, its been for loooooooong time I have been plan for making comics but never been publish, all the sketch only just being 'sleeping beauty' and even I never dare to 'wake up' them. Until I've got the third jobs as drawing teacher then see almost all of my friends making comics and jelaousy with they cool artwork on Deviant art, i was just like, damn! where my motivation have been gone for long time???, and hey, I've been making comics since high school, the time when I dont understand about computer, just silly sketch with pencil and marker. But now, computer and design software is fine helping my work. Well, I am stil learning how to made great comics and my comics still amateur, remember I made COMICS NOT MANGA, there is big difference between comics and manga, FYI, I hope you all enjoy read my comics, happy read! :)

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